Ink & Sigil

By |2020-10-22T20:24:22+00:00October 26th, 2020|Mysterious Book Report, Paranormal|

Ink & Sigil Mysterious Book Report No. 424 by John Dwaine McKenna Our Halloween treat for 2020—the year a real Captain Trips came to town and tried to kill us all—is a dazzling urban fantasy and series launch by NY Times bestselling author Kevin Hearne, entitled: Ink & Sigil, (Del Rey, $28.00, 336 pages, ISBN 978-1-9848-2125-6), in which a beleaguered, ordinary mortal man from Glasgow, Scotland named Aloysis, “Al,”

Blood World

By |2020-09-22T17:55:08+00:00September 21st, 2020|Mysterious Book Report, Paranormal, Thriller|

Blood World Mysterious Book Report No. 419 by John Dwaine McKenna By combining sci-fi and crime-fiction, thriller writer Chris Mooney has come up with an irresistibly striking story that’s as thought-provoking as it is entertaining and explosive to read.  In his recently released Blood World, (Berkley Books, $27.00, 436 pages, ISBN 978-0-593-19763-9) Mooney posits a world in which near-immortality is attainable for a wealthy and privileged few . .


By |2019-12-17T20:56:38+00:00March 30th, 2020|Mysterious Book Report, Paranormal|

Miraculum Mysterious Book Report No. 391 by John Dwaine McKenna We humans all have one thing in common . . . we are endlessly curious.  We’ve just gotta know how and why things happen, as well as where, when and what.  We are compelled as a species to look through the window, open the door, or peek around the corner to see what we haven’t seen and learn what

A Book of Bones

By |2019-12-17T20:44:47+00:00January 6th, 2020|Mysterious Book Report, Paranormal|

A Book of Bones Mysterious Book Report No. 400 by John Dwaine McKenna All readers of fiction, and especially crime fiction, are ultimately interested in the eternal battle between the forces of good versus the forces of evil.  It’s the tension between those two opposing sides that creates drama, and drama is what we all crave, because we’re curious . . . and because we’re rooting for one side

The Boy Who Killed Demons

By |2019-10-29T20:38:56+00:00November 1st, 2019|Mysterious Book Report, Paranormal|

The Boy Who Killed Demons Mysterious Book Report No. 215 by John Dwaine McKenna Our Halloween Freak-fest continues this week with a YA (Young Adult) novel whose title says it all. His name is Henry Dudlow. He’s “fifteen and a half and cursed. Or damned. Take your pick.” The reason? “I see demons,” in Henry’s own words. And so begins, The Boy Who Killed Demons, (Overlook Press, Peter Mayer

A Book of Bones

By |2019-12-05T21:09:29+00:00January 6th, 2019|John McKenna Publications, Mysterious Book Report, Paranormal|

A Book of Bones Mysterious Book Report No. 400 by John Dwaine McKenna All readers of fiction, and especially crime fiction, are ultimately interested in the eternal battle between the forces of good versus the forces of evil.  It’s the tension between those two opposing sides that creates drama, and drama is what we all crave, because we’re curious . . . and because we’re rooting for one side

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