Author Interview-Will Staples

By |2021-04-06T19:10:37+00:00April 6th, 2021|Author Interviews, Mysterious Book Report|

Interview With The Author:  Will Staples by John Dwaine McKenna Will Staples is a busy busy man.  He’s not only a first-rate novelist, whose newest work Animals is reviewed in Mysterious Book Report No. 442, but an award winning screenwriter, producer and video game writer whose success is measured in Oscars, Golden Globes and billions of dollars in box office.  At the same time, he’s an open, friendly and


By |2021-03-18T20:09:13+00:00March 29th, 2021|Murder Mystery, Mysterious Book Report, Thriller|

Animals Mysterious Book Report No. 442 by John Dwaine McKenna Animals, (Blackstone, $27.99, 292 pages, ISBN 978-1-09-406588-5) by Will Staples, is a heart-wrenching and hard to read . . . as well as hard to put down, compelling and fascinating novel if you care at all about the wild creatures of the Earth, their fate, and in turn the fate of the planet they inhabit.  It’s about poaching.  Specifically

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