Interview with David Grogan

By |2020-04-06T16:05:10+00:00April 6th, 2020|Author Interviews, Thriller|

Interview With The Author David E. Grogan  by John Dwaine McKenna We’re pleased—and honored—to present the following interview with David E. Grogan, whose newest Steve Stilwell thriller, The Hidden Key, is reviewed above in MBR No. 401.  Mr. Grogan is a retired Officer and Gentleman, a 26 year veteran of the US Navy and an attorney.  He’s also a world traveler, a sponsor of military service men and women,

The Hidden Key

By |2020-04-06T15:55:54+00:00April 6th, 2020|Mysterious Book Report, Thriller|

The Hidden Key Mysterious Book Report No. 401 by John Dwaine McKenna Now that we’re all holed up at home, huddled around the coffee table without any basketball, baseball, hockey or automobile racing on television to keep us entertained while we wait out the Covid-19 virus pandemic, there is a bright side.  It’s a great time to read.  Reading will expand your mind, ease your worries and soothe your

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