Mysterious Book Report No. 72 – Amped

By |2016-03-18T06:42:49+00:00March 18th, 2016|Mysterious Book Report|

Amped by Daniel H. Wilson Doubleday, $25.00, 275 pages, ISBN 978-0-385-53515-1 Here’s a great oxymoron for you:  hallucinatory reality.  Makes you scratch your head and go, “Huh?” doesn’t it.  That’s what I did when I heard it on NPR this morning.  Of course, I was half asleep at the time, so I checked it first thing when I turned the computer on; but no, I had it right.  Hallucinatory

Mysterious Book Report No. 16 – Robopocalypse

By |2015-12-27T11:36:55+00:00December 27th, 2015|Mysterious Book Report|

ROBOPOCALYPSE by Daniel H. Wilson (Doubleday, $25.00, 347 pages, ISBN 978-0-385-53385-0) Through the magic of literature, the MBR NO. 16 will jump from the long-ago, (MBR No. 15), to the not so-distant future, with a book called ROBOPOCALYPSE,  about a war between robots and humans.  It’s a thriller-diller of a novel I found near-impossible to put down.  Like the works of Stephen King, ROBOPOCALYPSE will thrill, entertain and scare

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