John Stith

By |2020-01-16T21:54:12+00:00February 14th, 2020|Author Interviews, Mysterious Book Report|

Author Interview: John Stith by John Dwaine McKenna Our interviewee today is bestselling and award-winning author John Stith, whose newest thriller Pushback, is reviewed in MBR No 354, along with a brief account of our own serendipitous introduction by Ms. Nickless. It’s an honor to be able to speak with you, and please accept our sincere thank you for doing so. That said, here’s our first question: Who’s your


By |2019-11-19T20:40:57+00:00November 22nd, 2019|Mysterious Book Report, Thriller|

Pushback Mysterious Book Report 354 by John Dwaine McKenna Serendipity is the ability to make a fortunate discovery by accident... which is just what happened to the MBR last summer, when an author we were interviewing asked if we had read or reviewed the work of a sci-fi writer named John Stith. “No,” the MBR is crime fiction oriented was the reply. “Well, you should,” she said, “because he

John Stith

By |2020-01-16T21:53:04+00:00November 20th, 2019|Author Interviews, Mysterious Book Report|

Author Interview: John Stith by John Dwaine McKenna Our interviewee today is bestselling and award-winning author John Stith, whose newest thriller Pushback, is reviewed in MBR No 354, along with a brief account of our own serendipitous introduction by Ms. Nickless. It’s an honor to be able to speak with you, and please accept our sincere thank you for doing so. That said, here’s our first question: Who’s your

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