Green Sun-Legacy Report No. 50

By |2023-08-16T17:24:26+00:00September 4th, 2023|Crime Fiction, Mysterious Book Report|

Just in case you’re wondering, we’ll be re-running some of our best and most popular book reviews every other week from now on.  They will be described as our Legacy Mysterious Book Reports.  Send us a quick request if you have a favorite that you’d like to see again and we’ll do our best to re-publish it. Legacy Mysterious Book Report No. 50 Green Sun Mysterious Book Report No.

Green Sun

By |2019-12-10T21:45:49+00:00May 14th, 2018|2018 Best Books of the Year, Crime Fiction, Mysterious Book Report|

Mysterious Book Report No. 334 Green Sun by John Dwaine McKenna There’s plenty of reality TV programs these days that show viewers what cops are doing during their shifts, and what they’re putting up with from John Q. and Susie B. Public.  Now, a new book puts readers into the jump seat of a 1980s vintage squad car during the spring and summer of a new officer’s probationary period

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