Mysterious Book Report No. 205 – World Gone By

By |2016-08-24T07:20:08+00:00August 24th, 2016|Mysterious Book Report|

World Gone By by Dennis Lehane William Morrow/Harper Collins, $27.99, 309 pages, ISBN 978-0-06-000490-3 Doesn’t it seem that the older we get, the more complicated our lives become . . . and the more complex our lives . . . the more we yearn for the good old days when things ran better, life was somehow easier and more quaint? A cowboy poet named Badger Clark summed it up

Mysterious Book Report No. 120 – Visitation Street

By |2016-04-28T07:55:47+00:00April 28th, 2016|Mysterious Book Report|

Visitation Street by Ivy Pochoda A Dennis Lehane Book/Ecco/Harper Collins, $25.99, 304 pages, ISBN 978-0-06-224989-0 Across from lower Manhattan, on the eastern shore, at the mouth of the East River, is a run-down area of abandoned warehouses, discarded, dilapidated piers and muddy salt flat marshes that look out on the Buttermilk Channel, Governor’s Island, Ellis, Liberty and Staten Island, the upper bay, as well as the New Jersey shoreline

Mysterious Book Report No.79 – Live By Night

By |2016-03-21T20:29:29+00:00March 21st, 2016|Mysterious Book Report|

Live By Night by Dennis Lehane Wm. Morrow, $27.99, 402 pages, ISBN # 978-0-06-000487-3 Happy New Year to you and yours. I’m looking forward to a year filled with new and exciting thrillers, mysteries, and whodunits of every kind; from police procedurals to courtroom dramas, from hard case crime to a couple of science fictions, we’ll review them all . . . and throw in few surprises too. I’m

Mysterious Book Report No. 22 – Galveston

By |2016-01-02T11:28:11+00:00January 2nd, 2016|Mysterious Book Report|

Galveston by Nic Pizzolatto Scribner, $15.00, 258 pages, ISBN 978-1-4391-6666-6 Tough guys . . . that’s the subject of this weeks MBR number twenty-two.  Now.  I realize when I wrote the preceding sentence, that every one of you readers out there remember a tough guy, or gal, know a tough person or two . . . heck, maybe you are a tough individual with the chops to prove it. 

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