Unforsaken by John Dwaine McKennaUnforsaken

by John Dwaine McKenna

Unforsaken is a bullet packed with gritty characters and explosive action.

John Dwaine McKenna skillfully takes readers to the untamed Southwest at the beginning of the Twentieth Century.  The Wild West is past its heyday. Locomotives have replaced horses.  Bandit gangs are a vanishing menace, yet outlaws still prowl the dusty streets looking for easy marks.  The lone and honorable lawman is on the verge of extinction.  Men and women crave stability as they carry on their often desperate and risky lives. The old morality codes are forgotten, forsaken.  There is no honor among thieves, but there is corruption in the Marshall’s office.

Into this simmering mix, McKenna throws a veteran Texas Ranger, a frontier woman with more than one secret of her own, a violent murdering cowboy gangster, Mexican revolutionaries, Mormon legends, and more, much more.  Unforsaken will satisfy any reader looking for firmly-etched characters, an exciting story line, and a cold, hard look at humanity under pressure.   For die-hard western fans, Unforsaken is just what the Doc ordered.

Manuel Ramos author of The Havana Night