Here’s a suggested list of books for summer reading with a short description of each I cobbled together from various resources:

Mysterious Book Report Gone Girl1.  Gone Girl, by Gilliam Flynn, (Crown Publishing, $25.00)  A psychological thriller by an Edgar-nominated author, about a marriage gone wrong.  When the wife turns up missing and the husband’s lies begin to catch up with him it seems to be a simple one to solve.  But, not quite.  All is not as simple as it seems . . . This one got starred reviews from Booklist and Library Journal.

2.  Amped, Daniel Wilson (Doubleday, $25.00)  The follow up to his smash-hit Robopocalypse.  In this one, Wilson imagines a world where some individuals have “amplified” abilities because of implanted devices in their heads.  Trouble starts when Congress passes laws restricting people’s rights to amp themselves.  Protagonist Owen Gray goes on the run to find others like himself who’ve been amped.  Personally, I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of this one, and may do a full review of it later.

3The Third Gate, Lincoln Child, (Doubleday, $25.95)  An archeological dig in the swamps of Sudan may have found the burial place of King Narmer, the man who united Egypt.  When a second archeologist is brought in to separate fact from fiction, trouble follows . . .including a possible ancient curse.  A solo effort from the renowned team of Child and Doug Preston.

—-More next week with MBR No. 60—-


John Dwaine McKenna