Interview With The Author: Connor Sullivan


John Dwaine McKenna


Hey Connor. . . it’s great talking to you.  Thanks for taking the time.  We know you’re busy so we’ll be brief.  Here’s our first question:


When do you write? 

I’m not a morning person, so my ideal writing time occurs late morning into the evening, and then again at night.

 Where do you write?

I have to write in complete, quiet isolation with no distractions around me. That means no phone/internet etc…

How many books do you  read in a year?

I read between 35-50 books a year.

What’s the most important element for writing success? 

Showing up every day and not giving up, ever. The more you can make writing a habit, the easier it gets! 

Who inspired you to write? 

My dad for sure. He’s been a novelist for my whole life. I’ve seen his ups and downs, but I’ve also seen how he’s persevered. Watching him achieve his dreams inspired me to achieve my own. I also loved the works of the great Vince Flynn. His Mitch Rapp series was the reason I entered the genre.

Do you plot-outline, or wing it? 

I do a bit of both. I have to know generally where I am going in the story, so I do outline. But as the story morphs, I let it go where it needs to go, and I even try to surprise myself.

Why do you write?

I write because it’s a compulsion. I have to do it. It’s what I enjoy doing most of all. And it beats working!


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Connor Sullivan attended the University of Southern California, where he was the recipient of the Edward W. Moses Award for Creative Writing.  During college, he interned for Warner Brothers reading screenplays before relocating with his family to the Gallatin Valley in Montana.  His first novel is Sleeping Bear.


Be sure to read the review of Sleeping Bear in Mysterious Book Report No. 462