We take some of the best Mysterious Book Reports and get interviews from the authors.  Always enjoy what makes some of the best wordsmith’s minds  tick.  What are they’re thoughts?  Where do the ideas come from?  How much time do they dedicate to their profession. Check out what they have to say here.

Agatha Christie

By |2022-10-20T14:24:59+00:00October 24th, 2022|Author Interviews, Essays and Articles, Mysterious Book Report|

About Agatha . . . An MBR Extra by John Dwaine McKenna    The year 2020 will mark the 100th anniversary of the first novel of the most widely-read author in all the world.  Her name is Agatha Christie.  Her first detective novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, debuted on Nov 6, 1920. In honor of this iconic and beloved author, the MBR is highlighting some facts about her

Author Interview-Reavis Wortham

By |2022-04-25T19:30:47+00:00March 14th, 2022|Author Interviews, Mysterious Book Report|

Interview With The Author: Reavis Wortham by John Dwaine McKenna   With the help of his nice publicist, Mandy Chahal, we were fortunate to have the following Q & A with Mr. Wortham.  What follows is one of the most interesting, comprehensive and down-to-earth interviews we’ve ever done.  Pay attention . . . this is a master wordsmith sharing his knowledge and techniques with all of us.  It’s better

Author Interview-Connor Sullivan

By |2021-09-03T15:05:26+00:00September 6th, 2021|Author Interviews, Mysterious Book Report|

Interview With The Author: Connor Sullivan by John Dwaine McKenna   Hey Connor. . . it’s great talking to you.  Thanks for taking the time.  We know you’re busy so we’ll be brief.  Here’s our first question:   When do you write?  I’m not a morning person, so my ideal writing time occurs late morning into the evening, and then again at night.  Where do you write? I have

Author Interview-Otho Eskin

By |2021-04-08T19:48:17+00:00April 15th, 2021|Author Interviews, Mysterious Book Report|

Interview With The Author:  Otho Eskin by John Dwaine McKenna Mr. Eskin is a talented, well traveled and accomplished author whose exciting first novel is reviewed in Mysterious Book Report No. 444.  He has much to share with us, so let’s begin.  Here’s our first question: When do you write? I try to write six hours a day, six days a week, from noon to six. Mornings I reserve

Author Interview-Will Carver

By |2021-04-01T19:43:59+00:00April 8th, 2021|Author Interviews, Mysterious Book Report, Paranormal, Thriller|

  Interview With The Author:  Will Carver by John Dwaine McKenna Our interviewee today hails from Great Britain.  His name is Will Carver and he’s a writer with the ability to pack more original ideas into a single paragraph than most of us are able to conjure up in an entire chapter . . . so with great pleasure, it’s my honor to introduce him to our Mysterious Book

Author Interview-Will Staples

By |2021-04-06T19:10:37+00:00April 6th, 2021|Author Interviews, Mysterious Book Report|

Interview With The Author:  Will Staples by John Dwaine McKenna Will Staples is a busy busy man.  He’s not only a first-rate novelist, whose newest work Animals is reviewed in Mysterious Book Report No. 442, but an award winning screenwriter, producer and video game writer whose success is measured in Oscars, Golden Globes and billions of dollars in box office.  At the same time, he’s an open, friendly and

Author Interview-Harry Farthing

By |2021-03-11T20:35:58+00:00March 15th, 2021|Author Interviews, Mysterious Book Report|

  Interview With The Author:  Harry Farthing by John Dwaine McKenna Harry Farthing is English by birth, American by choice, an adventurer, world traveller, mountain climber, journalist and outstanding thriller writer whose dazzling debut, Ghost Moths is discussed in Mysterious Book Report No. 440.  He’s a man on the go who slowed down long enough to do an in-depth and comprehensive interview with us that details some of his

Author Interview-Paul Vidich

By |2021-02-23T20:19:32+00:00March 8th, 2021|Author Interviews, Spy/Thriller|

Interview With The Author:  Paul Vidich by John Dwaine McKenna It’s our good fortune to be speaking today with author Paul Vidich, who’s written some of the most compelling, realistic and entertaining spy yarns since George Smiley himself came in from the cold.  Thanks so much for sharing your time and ideas with our audience Mr. Vidich . . . here’s our first question: What’s the most important element

Author Interview-Michael Koryta

By |2021-03-02T21:45:56+00:00March 2nd, 2021|Author Interviews, Mysterious Book Report|

Interview With The Author: Michael Koryta by John Dwaine McKenna After a few hiccups and a couple of minor setbacks, we’re fortunate to hear from a busy and prolific writer who’s also a perennial Best-selling and award winning talent whose work is widely read, greatly admired and a personal favorite of mine.  With many thanks Michael Koryta here’s our first question: When do you write?    I’ll read the previous

Author Interview-John Hart

By |2021-02-04T20:24:53+00:00February 8th, 2021|Author Interviews, Mysterious Book Report|

Interview With the Author: John Hart by John Dwaine McKenna Our interviewee today is NY Times bestselling author John Hart, who graciously took time from his busy schedule to share his thoughts and writing tips for all of us.  With many thanks . . . here’s our first question: When do you write? I’m a morning guy for story momentum. Get up, get to work, trust whatever organ guides

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